Saturday, January 6, 2018

Lead, It's What Kids Crave!

I happened upon a correlation study and article quite a few years ago that hypothesized that lead levels were the cause of the mid-century crime waves.  I seems the idea is gaining credibility, and additional studies are proving this out.

The really sad part of this is that lead additives were known to be hazardous since the early days, and some areas even had laws against lead before the US gov't approvals caused them to change their minds.  This, like smoking, is an area where we were sold down the river by our own gov't and by corporations.

That was then, but what are we doing now?  Do you know how much lead your kids have, or your neighborhood, your drinking water, or your city?  Why do we struggle to simply test and treat kids with this issue?  Would we really rather have them commit crimes and be incarcerated later?

Are chemical companies being more thorough in their testing, humane in their assessment, and upfront in their self-reporting?  Are our gov't regulators on the job, empowered, and capable of catching such hazards today?

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